Bug#686777: netjack2 + opus custom modes + debian

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DateWed, 03 Jul 2013 03:30:51 +0200
From Robin Gareus <[hidden] at gareus dot org>
ToRon <[hidden] at debian dot org>
Cc[hidden] at bugs dot debian dot org, Adrian Knoth <[hidden] at drcomp dot erfurt dot thur dot de>, [hidden] at jackaudio dot org, Debian Multimedia Maintainers <[hidden] at lists dot alioth dot debian dot org>
In-Reply-ToRon Re: Bug#686777: netjack2 + opus custom modes + debian
Follow-UpRon Re: Bug#686777: netjack2 + opus custom modes + debian
Follow-UpRon Bug#686777: netjack2 + opus custom modes + debian
On 07/01/2013 05:59 PM, Ron wrote:
> So I'm still not really sure what
> showstopper complexity you are worried about there.

Sample accurate alignment of buffered netjack streams with the rest of
jack. updating port-latencies,.. Sounds easy, but it's not.

The realshowstopper there is lack of manpower.
No one volunteered to implement it.


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