[Jack-Devel] Cleanup of clients in libjack2 causes crash

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DateTue, 16 Apr 2013 20:56:23 +0200
From Bob van Loosen <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] Cleanup of clients in libjack2 causes crash

I've written a program that can create multiple jack clients and connect 
them to jackd.
I'm using a callback passed to jack_on_info_shutdown() to know when a 
jack client has exited,
when that happens I deactivate and close the client, and I try to make a 
new one every second.
This way I can restart jackd without having to restart my program.

So far so good, until my program started to segfault whenever I closed 
After some digging I found this code in JackLibGlobals.h:

if (!JackGlobals::fServerRunning && fClientCount > 0) {

     // Cleanup remaining clients
     jack_error("Jack server was closed but clients are still allocated, 
     for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
         JackClient* client = JackGlobals::fClientTable[i];
         if (client) {
             jack_error("Cleanup client ref = %d", i);
             delete client;
             JackGlobals::fClientTable[i] = NULL;

So what happens here is, jackd exits, I deactivate and close a client, I 
create a new one with jack_client_open(),
libjack2 then deletes all the other clients, and my program is then left 
with several invalid jack_client_t* pointers.

What I suggest here instead, is to just call client->Close() and remove 
the client from JackGlobals::fClientTable
(which JackClient::Close() already does btw), and then leave the dealloc 
up to the program itself.


Bob van Loosen.
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