Re: [Jack-Devel] L_ProAudio: A Linux Proaudio FrameWork with improved Wine/kernel(rt) support

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DateTue, 01 Jan 2013 21:36:48 +0100
From Jeremy Jongepier <[hidden] at autostatic dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-Tojordan [Jack-Devel] L_ProAudio: A Linux Proaudio FrameWork with improved Wine/kernel(rt) support
Follow-Upjordan Re: [Jack-Devel] L_ProAudio: A Linux Proaudio FrameWork with improved Wine/kernel(rt) support
Follow-Upjordan Re: [Jack-Devel] L_ProAudio: A Linux Proaudio FrameWork with improved Wine/kernel(rt) support
On 01/01/2013 08:06 AM, jordan wrote:
> 1. L_proAudio Kernel: This (-rt)kernel carries my personal delta (if
> you will. ie: what i use on my H/W). There are too many too go
> through, but they are cherry-picked with linux proaudio use (including
> wine)*very specifically*. I have rebased my picks against kernel
> 3.6.11-rt25, respectably. a few named; rebasing the worthwhile
> (almost) majority of Muse Research's Kernel patches; things like
> delayed acpi, indirect fan control, tame conntrack, etc... using Bao
> Mao / Google patch to revert stable_page_write - since it seems to be
> the #1 bugger/cuprit (not hard to maintain
> Google/BaoMao/Oracle/SanSung/etc do it for you:) can look for
> your self though.
> * the sources come from the main files markes XXX-Arch_n_sources,
> * the folders contain pre-patched kernel for your disposal / testing.
> * XXX-Arch_n_sources contains reference PKGBUILDs > could be used as
> build instructions
> * XXX-Arch_n_sources contains all .patch files (ordering when patching
> is probably important, for at least 2-3 of them)

Hello Jordan,

Interesting stuff and thanks for sharing! I have some questions though:
* what is delayed acpi?
* what is indirect fan control?
* what is tame conntrack?
* what is stable_page_write?
* how do the above things influence Linux audio performance?
* why 3.6? Aren't there still some issues with it (softirq related stuff)?


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