[Jack-Devel] Sync problems with jack outputting midi clock

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DateWed, 11 Jul 2012 18:47:27 -0700
From Iain Duncan <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpGabriel M. Beddingfield Re: [Jack-Devel] Sync problems with jack outputting midi clock
Hi folks, I've made a midi clock test app to help track down the issues
I've been having on OS X, but am getting some strange behaviour. Every once
in a while, I'm getting two clock messages 1 or 2 ms apart. I'm no jack or
C expert so it's quite possible I've made a stupid math error or something.
If anyone has the time to take a look at it, that would be really helpful
and would help us figure out whether there is an issue with the OSX midi
driver. In the app I deliberately aligned the tempo to frame buffers to
keep out as many sources of error as I could, it would be great to know
whether this looks like it should work.

I test it by syncing up Ableton as a slave, and when the duplicate messages
come, there is a noticeable lurch in sync.


da code:

// jack_midi_1.cpp
// no timing math to eliminate all possible sources of error aside from the
midi output
// send a midi clock message once per frame
// length of time for a frame in seconds is: 1 / 44100 * jack_buffer_size
 ( .00145125 at 64 sample buffer size )
// midi clock messages should have 24 PPQ clock messages
// thus sending a clock message once per 15 frames means one clock per
0.0217687074829932 sec
// 0.0217687074829932 * 15 is the period for 1 quarter note =
// therefor tempo if clocking properly should be 114.843 period of clock
messages should be 22ms wt

// I have verified on my system both duplicated and dropped clock messages
when sending out
// on the IAC buffer, OS X 10.6.7, Jack 0.89. This was detected by syncing
Ableton over midi sync,
// playing the same notes and listening to the lag. Occasionally a lurch
will happen, and looking at
// the midi monitor, there is either a dropped or duplicated clock message
at that time. There is not
// a message out saying that the jack midi buffer was full. Comparing
against Reaper providing the sync
// with the same test, the lurches do not ever happen.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <jack/jack.h>
#include <jack/midiport.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <iostream>

using std::cout;

// Jack globals

#define MIDI_OUT_BUF_SIZE 1024

// convenience typedef
typedef jack_default_audio_sample_t sample_t;

// create ports, these need to be accessible from the audio callback, hence
jack_port_t **audio_out_ports;
jack_port_t *jack_midi_in_port;
jack_port_t *jack_midi_out_port;

// pointer to the jack client that wil be opened for this app
// this is global so the signal hanlder has access to it
jack_client_t *client;

// our audio callback, called once per output buffer samples
int process_audio_jack (jack_nframes_t nframes, void *data){
    // cast the void pointer to our engine
    // Engine *engine = (Engine *)data;
    long int *jack_buffer_index;
    jack_buffer_index = (long int *)data;

    //cout << "frame counter: " << *jack_buffer_index << "\n";

    // get our output buffers, needs to happen each time process is called
    int num_audio_ports = NUM_AUDIO_PORTS;
    sample_t *audio_output_bufs[ NUM_AUDIO_PORTS ];
    for( int port_index=0; port_index < NUM_AUDIO_PORTS; port_index++ ){
        audio_output_bufs[ port_index ] = (sample_t *)
jack_port_get_buffer( audio_out_ports[port_index], nframes);

    // get the midi port buffers
    void* jack_midi_in_port_buf = jack_port_get_buffer(jack_midi_in_port,
    void* jack_midi_out_port_buf = jack_port_get_buffer(jack_midi_out_port,

    // pointer that will be assinged to the midi out buffer
    unsigned char *midi_out_msg_buf;

    for(jack_nframes_t frame_index=0; frame_index < nframes; frame_index++){
        // write silence to the audio out ports for this test app
        for( int port_index=0; port_index < NUM_AUDIO_PORTS; port_index++ ){
            audio_output_bufs[port_index][frame_index] = (sample_t) 0;

        // to isolate errors, all action happens ONLY on the first frame of
the buffer
        //  wait a while before start to hook up ports and know app is
settled in
        if( (frame_index == 0) && (*jack_buffer_index >= (15 * 24 * 20 ) )
            // this section ONLY executes for the first frame the buffer

            // XXX: something wrong, occasionally sends two clocks 1ms
apart, see bottom
            // also occasionally drops a message

            // first active pass, send start and note
            if( *jack_buffer_index == (15 * 24 * 20) ){
            // send MTC start and note ( one 1 byte message, and 1 3 byte
message )
                //cout << "Sending start and note, jack_buffer_index: " <<
*jack_buffer_index << "\n";
                midi_out_msg_buf =
jack_midi_event_reserve(jack_midi_out_port_buf, frame_index, 4);
                if( midi_out_msg_buf != 0 ){
                    // clock start message
                    midi_out_msg_buf[0] = (unsigned char) 0xFA;
                    // note out, C3 on channel 1
                    midi_out_msg_buf[1] = (unsigned char) 0x90;
                    midi_out_msg_buf[2] = (unsigned char) 0x24;
                    midi_out_msg_buf[3] = (unsigned char) 0x7F;
                    cout << "\nERROR: jack_midi_event_reserve returned NULL

            }else if( *jack_buffer_index % (15 * 24) == 0 ){
            // send note offs, notes, and MTC clock every 15 * 24 frames,
about 22ms apart, 114 bpm
                //cout << "Sending clock and note, jack_buffer_index: " <<
*jack_buffer_index << "\n";
                if( midi_out_msg_buf != 0 ){
                    midi_out_msg_buf =
jack_midi_event_reserve(jack_midi_out_port_buf, frame_index, 7);
                    midi_out_msg_buf[0] = (unsigned char) 0xF8;
                    // note off to precede the note
                    midi_out_msg_buf[1] = (unsigned char) 0x90;
                    midi_out_msg_buf[2] = (unsigned char) 0x24;
                    midi_out_msg_buf[3] = (unsigned char) 0x00;
                    // note on
                    midi_out_msg_buf[4] = (unsigned char) 0x90;
                    midi_out_msg_buf[5] = (unsigned char) 0x24;
                    midi_out_msg_buf[6] = (unsigned char) 0x7F;
                    cout << "\nERROR: jack_midi_event_reserve returned NULL

            }else if( *jack_buffer_index % 15 == 0 ){
            // send clock only every 15 frames

                // XXX sometimes this happens only 1 ms apart, or at least
appears to from the midi monitor
                // and the hiccup in the sync slave
                if( midi_out_msg_buf != 0 ){
                    //cout << "Sending clock, frame count:" <<
*jack_buffer_index << "\n";
                    midi_out_msg_buf =
jack_midi_event_reserve(jack_midi_out_port_buf, frame_index, 1);
                    midi_out_msg_buf[0] = (unsigned char) 0xF8;
                    cout << "\nERROR: jack_midi_event_reserve returned NULL
    // increment the buffer counter only once per buffer render
    *jack_buffer_index += 1;

    // let jack know all is a-ok
    return 0;

void jack_error (const char *desc){
    fprintf (stderr, "JACK error: %s\n", desc);

void jack_shutdown (void *arg){
    printf("jack shutting down");
    exit (1);

void signal_handler (int sig){
    jack_client_close (client);
    fprintf (stderr, "\nSignal received, exiting ...\n");
    exit (0);

void jack_midi_init(){
    jack_midi_in_port = jack_port_register(client, "midi_in",
    jack_midi_out_port = jack_port_register(client, "midi_out",

int main (int argc, char *argv[]){

    printf("jack_midi_1 starting.\n");

    /* tell the JACK server to call error() whenever it */
    jack_set_error_function (jack_error);

    /* try to become a client of the JACK server */
    if( (client = jack_client_new("jack_midi_test_1") ) == 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Error creating client, is jack server
        return 1;
    printf("Created jack client\n");

    // our frame counter, on -1 we send clock start, after that it counts
    long int *jack_buffer_index = new long int;
    *jack_buffer_index = 0;
    // register the jack audio callback, pass pointer to counter as data
    jack_set_process_callback (client, process_audio_jack, (void
*)jack_buffer_index );

    // register the signal handlers so we can close the app with signals
    signal (SIGQUIT, signal_handler);
    signal (SIGTERM, signal_handler);
    signal (SIGHUP, signal_handler);
    signal (SIGINT, signal_handler);

    /* register shut down call back */
    jack_on_shutdown (client, jack_shutdown, 0);


    // register all the output ports, copied from
    unsigned int num_audio_ports = NUM_AUDIO_PORTS;
    audio_out_ports = (jack_port_t **) malloc (sizeof (jack_port_t *) *
    for( int port_index=0; port_index < num_audio_ports; port_index++ ){
        char port_name[64];
        sprintf(port_name, "output %d", port_index+1);
        if( (audio_out_ports[port_index] = jack_port_register(client,
port_name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0) ) == 0) {
             fprintf (stderr, "cannot register output port \"%s\"!\n",
             jack_client_close (client);
             exit (1);
    /* tell the JACK server that we are ready to roll */
    printf("Activating jack client\n");
    if (jack_activate (client)) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Error activating jack client");
        return 1;

    // idle until a kill signal calls our handler and exits
    while( 1 ){
        // this is where the QT apps main loop normally goes

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