[Jack-Devel] Intermittent internal crash

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DateSun, 29 Apr 2012 23:55:36 -0400
From Tim E. Real <[hidden] at rogers dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpJohn Mills Re: [Jack-Devel] Intermittent internal crash
Follow-UpStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] Intermittent internal crash
Hello. I'm having a problem with Jack intermittently internally crashing
 shortly after I create an ALSA simple port, depending on when I register 
 various Jack callbacks and how many.
It happens more frequently with smaller period sizes, like 8 or 16
 but it has been seen at 128.
Tested with Jack 1.9.7 and 1.9.8, with and without the -S(ync) switch,
 with ALSA backend and seq midi driver.
Can you tell me what could be wrong?    Thanks. Tim.


It is a simple test program containing a main.cpp and a CMakeLists.txt
It creates a Jack client, then creates a simple ALSA port.
Important comments about the test are there.
(For the impatient, I've sloppy-pasted main.cpp here at the end.)

The problem is that Jack crashes internally upon calling some
 sprintf. I can supply more info there if you want.

It all depends where I register all the Jack callbacks and how many.
If I attempt to register them immediately after creating the Jack client
 but before creating the ALSA port, it crashes.
If I attempt to register them immediately after creating the ALSA port
 it crashes.
If I attempt, from within my JackThreadInitCallback, to register all other
 callbacks, it crashes.

It is not until after an artificial one second delay, after creating the 
 ALSA port, that I see no crash after dozens of runs. 

Also it seems if I don't register any callbacks, or register just one or two, 
 things are... better.

This what I get *if* I remove the artificial one second delay, or register
 my callbacks after Jack client created, or move all the registrations into 
 my JackThreadInitCallback. Notice the text corruption. 
Note: You need to do one of those three things if you want to see this bug.

Normal run:
Init Jack...
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect name = jack_sem.1000_default_MyApp
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect sem_getvalue 0
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackLibClient::Open name = MyApp refnum = 2
jack client MyApp opened.
Init Alsa...
Jack: jack_set_thread_init_callback ext_client 1b268f0 client 1b268f0 
jack thread init
sample rate changed: 44100
Jack: jack_set_graph_order_callback ext_client 1b268f0 client 1b268f0 
sleeping, do nothing...
Jack: jack_client_close
Jack: JackClient::Close ref = 2
Jack: JackClient::Deactivate
Jack: JackSocketClientChannel::Stop
Jack: JackPosixThread::Kill
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Disconnect name = jack_sem.1000_default_MyApp
Jack: JackLibClient::~JackLibClient
Jack: JackShmReadWritePtr1::~JackShmReadWritePtr1 2
Jack: Succeeded in unlocking 384 byte memory area
Jack: JackLibGlobals Destroy 1b1a050
Jack: ~JackLibGlobals
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Disconnect name = jack_sem.1000_default_system
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Disconnect name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel
Jack: no message buffer overruns
Jack: JackPosixThread::Stop
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr 1
Jack: Succeeded in unlocking 1040 byte memory area
Jack: JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr 0
Jack: Succeeded in unlocking 82246176 byte memory area
Jack: jack_client_close res = 0

Near miss:
Init Jack...
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect name = jack_sem.1000_default_MyApp
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect sem_getvalue 0
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackLibClient::Open name = MyApp refnum = 2
jack client MyApp opened.
Init Alsa...
Jack: jack_set_thread_init_callback ext_client 24618f0 client 24618f0 
jack thread init
sample rate changed: 44100
Jack: jack_set_graph_order_callback ext_client 24618f0 client 24618f0 
sleeping, do nothing...
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 1883339085 name = MyApp notify = 112
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = �h��~ notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = MyApp notify = 4
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = MyApp notify = 9
Jack: jack_client_close
Jack: JackClient::Close ref = 2
Jack: JackClient::Deactivate
Jack: JackSocketClientChannel::Stop
Jack: JackPosixThread::Kill
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Disconnect name = jack_sem.1000_default_MyApp
Jack: JackLibClient::~JackLibClient
Jack: JackShmReadWritePtr1::~JackShmReadWritePtr1 2
Jack: Succeeded in unlocking 384 byte memory area
Jack: JackLibGlobals Destroy 2455050
Jack: ~JackLibGlobals
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Disconnect name = jack_sem.1000_default_system
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Disconnect name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel
Jack: no message buffer overruns
Jack: JackPosixThread::Stop
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr 1
Jack: Succeeded in unlocking 1040 byte memory area
Jack: JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr 0
Jack: Succeeded in unlocking 82246176 byte memory area
Jack: jack_client_close res = 0

Init Jack...
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect name = jack_sem.1000_default_MyApp
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect sem_getvalue 0
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackLibClient::Open name = MyApp refnum = 2
jack client MyApp opened.
Init Alsa...
Jack: jack_set_thread_init_callback ext_client 1a478f0 client 1a478f0 
jack thread init
sample rate changed: 44100
Jack: jack_set_graph_order_callback ext_client 1a478f0 client 1a478f0 
sleeping, do nothing...
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = MyApp notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 127850 name = t::Notif�g� notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::AddClient name = t::Notif�g�, ref = 127850 
*** Crashed with return code: 0 ***


// This test program demonstrates how Jack intermittently crashes internally
//  after an ALSA simple port has been created.
// The crash happens more frequently with lower period sizes like 8 or 16, 
//  but has been seen with 128 size.
// Tested with Jack 1.9.7 and 1.9.8, with and without the -S(ync) switch,
//  using the ALSA backend and the seq midi driver.
// Be patient. The crash can occur after one run, or ten. Use small period 

#include <jack/jack.h>
#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>

jack_client_t* client = 0;
snd_seq_t* alsaSeq = 0;

static void jackError(const char* s)
  fprintf(stderr,"JACK ERROR: %s\n", s);

static int processAudio(jack_nframes_t frames, void*)
  return 0;

static int processSync(jack_transport_state_t state, jack_position_t* pos, 
  return 1;

static void processShutdown(void*)

static int bufsize_callback(jack_nframes_t n, void*)
  printf("buffersize changed %d\n", n);
  return 0;

static void freewheel_callback(int starting, void*)
  printf("freewheel_callback: starting%d\n", starting);
static int srate_callback(jack_nframes_t n, void*)
  printf("sample rate changed: %d\n", n);
  return 0;

static void registration_callback(jack_port_id_t, int, void*)
  printf("registration changed\n");

static void client_registration_callback(const char *name, int isRegister, 
  printf("client registration changed:%s register:%d\n", name, isRegister);

static void port_connect_callback(jack_port_id_t a, jack_port_id_t b, int 
isConnect, void*)
  printf("JACK: port connections changed: A:%d B:%d isConnect:%d\n", a, b, 

static int graph_callback(void*)
  return 0;

static void timebase_callback(jack_transport_state_t /* state */,
   jack_nframes_t /* nframes */,
   jack_position_t* pos,
   int /* new_pos */,
  printf("Jack timebase_callback pos->frame:%u\n", pos->frame);

static void jack_thread_init (void* )  
  printf("jack thread init\n");
  // NOTE: If I attempt to register all the other Jack callbacks here, the 
crash still happens.


int main(int argc, char **argv) 

  //  Initialize Jack

  printf("Init Jack...\n");

  jack_status_t status;
  client = jack_client_open("MyApp", JackNoStartServer, &status);
  if (!client) 
    if (status & JackServerStarted)
          printf("jack server started...\n");
    if (status & JackServerFailed)
          printf("cannot connect to jack server\n");
    if (status & JackServerError)
          printf("communication with jack server failed\n");
    if (status & JackShmFailure)
          printf("jack cannot access shared memory\n");
    if (status & JackVersionError)
          printf("jack server has wrong version\n");
    printf("cannot create jack client\n");
    return 1;
  fprintf(stderr, "jack client %s opened.\n", jack_get_client_name(client));

  // NOTE: If I attempt to register all the Jack callbacks here, the crash 
still happens.

  //  Initialize Alsa

  printf("Init Alsa...\n");
  int error = snd_seq_open(&alsaSeq, "hw", SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX, 
  if (error < 0) 
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not open ALSA sequencer: %s\n",
    return true;
  error = snd_seq_set_client_name(alsaSeq, jack_get_client_name(client));
  if (error < 0) 
    printf("Set Alsa client name failed: %s", snd_strerror(error));
    return 1;

  int port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(alsaSeq, "My ALSA Port 0",
  if(port < 0) 
    printf("Create simple Alsa port failed");
    return 1;

  // NOTE: If I attempt to register all the Jack callbacks here, the crash 
still happens.

  for(int t = 0; t < 100; ++t)  
  // NOTE: It is not until here, after the delay, that it is safe to register 
all the Jack callbacks. No crash seen.
  jack_set_thread_init_callback(client, (JackThreadInitCallback) 
jack_thread_init, 0);
  jack_set_process_callback(client, processAudio, 0);
  jack_set_sync_callback(client, processSync, 0);
  jack_on_shutdown(client, processShutdown, 0);
  jack_set_buffer_size_callback(client, bufsize_callback, 0);
  jack_set_sample_rate_callback(client, srate_callback, 0);
  jack_set_port_registration_callback(client, registration_callback, 0);
  jack_set_client_registration_callback(client, client_registration_callback, 
  jack_set_port_connect_callback(client, port_connect_callback, 0);
  jack_set_graph_order_callback(client, graph_callback, 0);
  jack_set_freewheel_callback (client, freewheel_callback, 0);

  //  Do nothing for several seconds
  printf("sleeping, do nothing...\n");
  for(int t = 0; t < 300; ++t)  
  // Finish

  error = snd_seq_delete_simple_port(alsaSeq, port);
  if(error < 0) 
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not delete ALSA simple port: %s\n", 
  error = snd_seq_close(alsaSeq);  
  if(error < 0) 
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not close ALSA sequencer: %s\n", 
  if (jack_client_close(client)) 
    fprintf(stderr,"Could not close jack client: %s\n", strerror(errno));
  return 0;
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